One reason LEADS has been able to control our costs is because it’s virtually a volunteer effort. Beyond the flowers, garlands, lights we must purchase, about the only paid service is the person who waters the flower baskets. They are hung and taken down by board members and students enlisted from the Lancaster Academy, McCaskey, and Manos House. Friends such as Faye DeBerdine, Harry & Joan Worth, Dennis Klos, and Gary Hufford also show up to help. Board members help “pro bono” with our literature and website, while volunteers often handle mailings and other tasks. A committed group of city-loving folks make it all happen.
You can also support our programs with a monetary contribution. Fuel for the watering ATV, replacement of tires, new custom-made brackets are just a few of the items we must purchase to keep the LEADS initiatives healthy. Your monetary contributions help keep us running – literally.
Consider supporting us as a Friend ($25-$99), a Partner ($100-$499), a LEADer ($500-$999) and/or a Benefactor ($1,000 and above). Your gift, at any level, is very much appreciated.